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Touch screens so far have been limited to mobile phones and PC Tablets but they have now broken into laptops as well. Acer just launched its multitouch laptop Acer Aspire 5738PB – triggering a sea change in how we use and interact with laptop computers. It was about time for Acer to offer its version of multitouch laptop for its rivals HP, Dell and Lenovo already offer laptop touch sensitive screens.

Ever since computers became a mainstream device, we have been using and overusing them for various purposes. The prolonged computer usage, as we all know, leads to various health issues including wrist injuries. The laptop with touch screens is a step in right direction.  Though at the moment these laptop will allow only a limited number of operations via touch, they set a new standard and a new direction for building more human friendly computers. Today, they will let you take hand-written notes, tomorrow they’ll translate your notes to proper digital documents which eventually may make the keyboard an obsolete device. This  multitouch technology significantly simplifies computer command and controls.

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Multitouch laptops are the future of laptops.

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